Industrial Design Engineer
Master of science in Product Development
Currently looking of a master thesis project
As a Master student of product development in industrial design engineering in the start of my career, I am dedicated to learning as much as possible to be able to turn visionary ideas into meaningful products and services and developing skills to communicate efficiently with stakeholders and users.
The focus in my studies has been design thinking, construction CAD, sustainability and usability and has been driven by problem solving and a commitment to customer-centric innovation.
During my time as a student I was also heavily involved in the student union and worked full time for a year as a business developer/manager where I spearheaded projects to bring the student union closer to the local business community. I also worked as head of communications where I created a new graphical profile and manual. I was also head of the student union board where during my time we wrote the policies for a reorganization.
+46 70 49 31 769